
Life & Travels Afloat in our Moody

A Girl’s Best Friend

Namibia is famous for its diamonds. In fact a large part of the country is ‘off-limits’ without a guide and a permit for fear that you might go off-piste and start finding some ‘sparklies’. But the coastal region has a number of abandoned mining towns, where more modern extraction methods just passed them by.

Kolmanskop is just such a town, left for the desert to take over in the early 1900’s, but being an arid environment, decay is very slow. Even the hospital is still largely intact, with its universally loathed green walls and long corridors. The dentists chair is still around, but terminal toothache might have been preferable…..

One comment on “A Girl’s Best Friend

  1. Cherry Priscott
    April 26, 2017

    Good grief!


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